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📇 Applying Procedures

Thank you for viewing this page. Read carefully and make sure you understand all contents on how to apply for the competition.

* Like our Facebook page
* Follow us on Instagram
* Make your entry payment on bank service. Registration fee for individual is $6.85 (NGN2,500). For group is $13.70 (NGN5,000) You must make your payment before filling the entry form because your teller number will be required, invalid teller number will lead to disqualification.


* Account Officer: OSSAI ANDERSON
* Account Name: OSSAI ANDERSON
* Account Number: 2092832402
* Bank Type: UBA


* Make sure you put in your valid Teller number when filling the form
* Make sure you use the name you used in making payment
* Specify the field you are applying for
* You must apply once. Multiple application will lead to disqualification
* After the registration, within 24 hours a code will be send to you and other information about the competition. The code that will be send to you will be your entry code . You can now proceed to the registration page.

The Soda Pop